The significant role of financial advice

Your clients trust you for advice on matters that shape their lives: how they spend, save, give, and invest. As an advisor, you get to ask your clients, "What's most important to you?"

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Every investor has values

The question is not whether to apply values into your investment strategy, the question is "Which values am I applying?" We see three primary drivers behind the shift to values-based investing.

Investors want to feel a 'wholeness' through applying consistent values in every aspect of their lives–including how they invest.
Investing has the potential to bring positive change by encouraging innovation that creates value for society.
Recent research data is reinforcing the idea that values and performance are not incompatible pursuits.
Partnership with Eventide

Our goal is to equip you to grow your practice through values-based investing.

A graphic design of a man at his desk.

Deepen your understanding

Despite the growth of values-based investing, it can be hard to find consistent, compelling resources to both support your own education and share with your clients. We offer a variety of educational webinars throughout the year, along with a steady flow of aligned client-approved resources to help you deliver excellent service to your clients.

A graphic design of four people sitting at a desk looking at designs on a wall.

Deepen your understanding

Most advisors recognize the growing trend and opportunity that is available with values-based investing, yet many struggle to apply it to grow and differentiate their practice. To answer this challenge, our team can come alongside you to support you with materials and speakers to educate and encourage your clients and prospects.

A graphic of two people sitting at a desk looking over paperwork.

Deepen your understanding

In our experience, the number one roadblock to getting started with values-based investing is the impression that it’s difficult to build high-quality values-based portfolios. If that sounds familiar to you, the Investment Consulting Group (ICG) was established specifically to help you overcome this roadblock. Our team of experienced CFA charterholders tailor illustrations to advisors’ values and constraints.

Eventide at a glance

Our team is here to support you with resources to help accomplish your business goals.

Dollars invested with the mission of creating compelling value for the global common good.
(As of 06/30/2023)
Eventide launched our flagship fund and began to pursue investing that makes the world rejoice®.
Strategies designed to complement each others' investment approaches and asset classes.
Employees with unique backgrounds ranging from medical professionals to environmental specialists.
(As of 06/30/2023)
Finny Kuruvilla
Andrew Singer
Anant Goel
Dolores Bamford, CFA

“ Demand that is driven by important human needs is a key indicator of future success. ”

Advisors have a high calling.

You have an important role as an advisor. Let us know how we can help.