Eventide investments help you pursue integrity, create impact, and seek outperformance.
Eventide investments help you pursue integrity, create impact, and seek outperformance.
Investing is company ownership. An important question for investors is, “What kinds of companies do I want to own?” By investing with Eventide, you can have peace of mind knowing you are investing in good companies—those avoiding ill-gotten gain by creating products and services that bring blessing to the world.
All investments have impact. This should lead us to ask, “What impact are my investments having on the world?” When you invest with Eventide, you’ll help foster businesses whose products and practices promote human flourishing and advance the common good.
We believe the companies that prosper best over the long-term are those that best serve the needs of others. When you invest with Eventide, your money is directed toward businesses that are serving the world in compelling ways. We believe this enhances your potential for long-term outperformance.